In 2016, Mr. Constantin Pintilie, engineer with over 25 years of experience in the field, began his career as an entrepreneur, a designer of new ideas and business processes, through S.C. BlueSpace TECHNOLOGY S.R.L. The company’s activity at that time took place in a rented space, with tools and utensils brought from home. The equity consisted of the vast knowledge of electronics and technology of a small team of engineers, with extensive experience and determination, fueled by a common goal: “to be made by us!”

„The vision of our company is to develop and produce locally, in Romania, solutions and products of high technology and innovation.”

Also in 2016, the first fully functional TEMPEST station was made, a decisive moment, which triggered the entire expansion of our business and which allowed BlueSpace TECHNOLOGY to reach today the headlines of the dedicated news. Further, every step taken in the defense industry and modern IT security technologies has been about professionalism, dedication, determination and innovation, all these values ​​summed up building the foundation and image of the company.

Later, when the defense industry really knew the company’s capabilities, we became responsible for many innovative and large-scale projects that marked both the development and improvement of our own technologies and those of our customers. Among them we mention the largest Antenna Switch in the HF range of 16: 128 I / O, Complete solutions of training polygons, Transportable TEMPEST Rack, own TEMPEST Laboratory for analysis and measurements with unique capacities in the Romanian market, list to which we add of course the prototype Medical Ventilation System, developed for the medical technology industry, being part of a series of research, development and innovation projects, in which BlueSpace TECHNOLOGY is involved.

The trust we had in the beginning, both in our people and courage, is found throughout history in every project that came out on the doors of BlueSpace TECHNOLOGY. Our own production capacity, doubled by our own research and innovation pillar, have allowed us to always work for innovation, for safety, for the future, for people.

Thus, we managed to sign, in a relatively short time, collaboration contracts with strategic partners, which brought us a considerable contribution both in the Romanian specialized market and a solid veracity in the international defense industry.

Due to the expertise and experience of the team, as well as the increased flexibility, we always address new challenges meant to offer the best solutions to our partners. We also constantly exploit the technical and theoretical capabilities of the innovation and research (R&D) department, in order to direct our activity in new domains, approaching an overall perspective.