Parteneriat de cercetare cu Academia Tehnică Militară

Research partnership with the Military Technical Academy

“It is not the walls that make a school, but the spirit that reigns in it.” – King Ferdinand I

BlueSpace TECHNOLOGY is pleased to announce the signing of a research partnership with the “Ferdinand I” Military Technical Academy, an agreement that aims to develop locally innovative solutions, in the field of engineering.

This partnership recently began with a significant project among medical equipment. Together with a team of young engineers from the Academy we built a Mechanical Ventilator, in order to respond defensively to the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

The common interest and passion for science and research have accumulated in a fruitful collaboration, which has shown us that it can bring great technological achievements. The results were in line with the efforts made, motivated by the possibility of ameliorating a national level problem, which seriously affects the population.

Prin prisma acestui succes am fundamentat un parteneriat pe termen lung. Acordul semnat, având ca obiect de activitate cercetarea și dezvoltarea de sisteme inovatoare, va aduce un sprijin considerabil industriei tehnologice din România.

In view of this success, we have founded a long-term partnership. The signed agreement will bring a considerable support to the technological industry in Romania, having as object of activity the research and development of innovative systems,

It is important for us to support the potential of the Romanian workforce, thus providing an example to all generations, representatives of the institutions concerned. We want to make this partnership known especially to young people with ambition and desire to get involved, who want to bring about change, regardless of the field of activity.

“Ferdinand I” Military Technical Academy

The “Ferdinand I” Military Technical Academy is an accredited state military higher education institution, an integral part of the national education system. The fundamental objective is represented by the accomplishment of the higher education and scientific research activities in the fields of competence, in order to satisfy the needs, both of the beneficiaries from the defense, public order and national security structures, and of the personnel serving the institution.