The project for the development of the Medical Ventilator was approved
The approval of „Development of prototypes of ventilators with parameters adapted to assist patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus” project was announced on 5th June 2020. The idea was launched within the competition organized by UEFISCDI, a research funding agency that organizes competitions and subsequently monitors the implementation of projects accepted for funding.
Alongside Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”, we are proudly part of an important movement for Romanian medical and technological industry.
We are all aware of the disaster caused by COVID-19 virus. While so many are worried about industries and economies that were drastically affected, our aim is different. Firstly we should all talk about human lives and how helpless some us can be while facing this pandemic.
Unfortunately, Romania, as most countries affected by this virus, have been struggling with lack of necessary medical equipment. Can you imagine how the situation would look like, if we had more ventilators to use in hospitals?
And this question precisely was what triggered the whole project. With a short but powerful story behind, our submitted offer was the first attempt to such a complex and vital medical device for both parties involved. Yet, we succeeded in developing it in less than two months.
Our motivation came from all the people that could have been saved, if we had been better prepared. Now, we aim towards a production line that is going to supply any medical institution in need of such equipment.
We truly believe in the importance of being able to rely on your own industry. Therefore, BlueSpace TECHNOLOGY will constantly find ways to develop and innovate, for as many types of market as possible.
UEFISCDI is recognized, nationally and internationally, as the organization that uses methods and techniques of structured analysis and consultation brought together in the concept of foresight for institutional and system development projects, related to higher education, research, development and innovation. You can find more information on